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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Experience Digital Marketing: The case of wine tourism

Published: May 27, 2020


Ifigeneia Leri, University of Patras; Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University


Wine tourism; Digital innovativeness; Digital expressed identity


The purpose of the present study is to explore how digital marketing can support experiences, using wine tourism as the context of study. Digital innovativeness, digital expressed identity, online word-of-mouth, and website quality are key competences for digital marketing. The study explores the digital representation of wineries in four wine producing countries. Wineries’ websites from the best wine region of each country were analysed in regards to observable variables. Other tourist attractions information, online tour booking, and special hospitality/tourist website section were also observed. Netnography was used to collect data. The research used N=391 wineries’ websites (109 for France, 158 from Italy, 56 from the USA, and 68 from Australia). The findings indicate that key digital marketing innovations that contributed to the experience co-creation and competitiveness of wineries included connection with sustainability or environment, certifications or awards, digital representation of driving directions, and high quality photos.